"We can exploit our export potential by adopting international standards,” UAF vice chancellor.
Exports of agricultural and livestock products from Pakistan have consistently increased in recent years, but these are much less than actual potential and are restricted to old wholesale markets, says the University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF) vice chancellor.
“The share of our agricultural products in the fast growing high-price super markets is meagre,” said Dr Iqrar Ahmad while addressing the inaugural session of a five-day training course. The course was organised by the Endowment Fund Secretariat and AUS Aid.
Ahmad said the close proximity of markets in the Middle East, Iran and Afghanistan, and market access to Malaysia, offered enormous potential for the export of agricultural and livestock products from Pakistan. “We can exploit our export potential by adopting international standards,” he stressed.
Tariq Qamar, an international auditor, said: “New pressures from consumers, retailers and legislation have placed new demands on farmers,” he said.
Published in The Express Tribune, December 11th, 2012.

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