July 03, 2013
The Sindh government of PPP on Tuesday aborted the annual fishing ban midway, allowing the fishermen to resume deep-sea voyages and hunting in rough sea from July, fisheries sources said. The Sindh Fisheries Department, according to official sources, has issued a notification lifting the fishing ban for July, which normally stays for two months. The move however displeases the fisheries experts, fearing the excessive fishing will affect marine life.
"The ban has been cut to allow the fishermen to resume hunting in July instead of August 1, as the government decision is politically motivated," they said, adding the new fishing season has subsequently now begun. Fishermen continued to press the new PPP government to reduce the ban to one month which the fisheries department, however, replied with a nod to allow ban-season hunting, sources said.
The sea condition is rough with huge waves and gusty winds, sources said, adding the fishermen will have to endeavour against the hostile marine conditions if really want to go for deep-sea hunt. Native Islanders Fishermen Association (Nifa) has thanked the Chief Minister Sindh for the ban removal, as its president issued a text message to media saying the "ban was lifted to unbar fishermen' to openly earn livelihood from July again".
Fisheries officials said, "the fishing season may resume in August as fishermen may not go deep-sea fishing in July". They termed the political system of the country a "stumbling block" to the crisis and ban abortion is one clear instance of that. "Sindh Fisheries Dept vide Notification No 5(4) DS (Fish)/L&F/2012 dated 2 July 2013 withdrawn ban imposed on shrimps with effect from July 1 to 31 July 2013," officials cited the government's notification.
During the interim government, Sindh Fisheries Department imposed ban after a period of five years in Sindh on hunting shrimps and a number of fresh water fish species for two months (June and July. The ban started to restrict all voyagers from June 1 as Karachi Fish Harbour Authority (KFHA) to ensure the ban to remain till July 31. However, officials now said the fishing vessels will be allowed to go deep sea.
The ban was on hunting of fresh water fish species like rahu, thela and kalbasu in the province. The shrimp species that were previously banned were kalri, jaira, kiddi etc According to Marine Fisheries Department, the ban is aimed to ensure smooth breeding of shrimp and fresh water fish species, which is believed to take place during June and July every year, in seawaters and rivers.

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