Friday, July-12-2013
Agricultural production can be increased manifold with the adoption of the latest pest management practices that will reduce agricultural losses worth million of rupees.
This was stated by speakers at 2nd Post Graduate Entomological Research Council's seminar, which was arranged by Department of Entomology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. Pest management can increase agro-production
As many as 53 students presented their research papers in the shape of oral and poster presentations. It was aimed at providing a platform to the students to showcase their research work in comparative environment. Dr Abdus Salam stressed the need to give the awareness among the farmers community about the various plant diseases and their precaution. He said Pakistan is losing its crops worth million of rupees because of attack of different insects.
He called for stepping up efforts on the part of stakeholders, scientists and entomologists to address the issue. He was of the view that conference will help farmers in the form of mapping out a comprehensive plan to reduce the agricultural damages.
Dr Jalal Arif said that plant diagnostic lab will be set up at his department that will work round the clock. He added that the lab will facilitate the farming community in diagnosing the plant diseases. He also stressed the need to promote Integrated Pest Management (IPM) which is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management. Talking about citrus, he said Pakistan is earning foreign exchange by exporting the citrus but greening disease is a major challenge confronting the sector. He said if tangibles steps are not taken, the country will be left with no citrus after a couple of decades.
Dr Anjum Sohail said that our agro-production is low compared to developed world because of improper or un-integrated pest management practices. In Pakistan, cotton crop is attacked by about 150 types of insect pests, he added. Dr Ehsanullah, Dr Aslam Pervez, Dr Mansoor-ul-Hassan Sahi, Dr Zahir Ahmad Zahir, Dr Waseem Akram, Dr Jaffar Jaskani, Dr Dildar Gogi, Dr Muhammad Sagheer, Dr Khuraam Zia, Dr Jam Nazir, Dr Zain-ul-Abadien, Dr Ahmad Nawaz, Dr Arshad, Dr Waqas Wakeel, and Scientists from Ayub Research Hafiz Saleem, Dr Amjad Ali and Dr Abrar were also take part in the seminar. 
Source: Business Recorder
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