July 25, 2013 by Beth Buczynski

Unless they’re from Kansas or North Carolina, most people agree that green building makes sense–environmentally and financially. Instead of nagging people to unplug their appliances after use or use air conditioning sparingly, we’re now designing buildings with materials and technologies that conserve energy automatically.

Although we may all agree that building green is smart, not everyone embraces it with the same enthusiasm. Some people even see “sustainable development” as part of a world domination plot hatched by business-hating hippies. Thankfully, there are some places where such claims are ignored, along with inefficient windows and toxic paint.
The infographic below compares  the efforts of six leading cities–New York, Vancouver, Copenhagen, London, Amsterdam and Stockholm–providing a bird’s eye view of  how cities are embracing the green revolution in the race to drastically reduce global CO2 emissions.
Top 6 Cities Leading The Green Building Revolution
Source: Earth Techling

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