Poisonous Plants and Flowers | |
Common Name | Botanical Name |
Aconite (wolfsbane, monkhood) | Aconitum spp. |
Anemone (windflower) | Anemone spp. |
Anthurium | Anthurium spp. |
Atamasco lily | Zephyranthes spp. |
Autumn crocus | Colchicum autumnale |
Azalea | Azalea spp. (Rhododendron spp.) |
Baneberry | Actaea spp. |
Black locust | Robinia pseudo-acacia |
Bloodroot | Sanguinaria canadensis |
Boxwood | Buxus spp. |
Burning bush (strawberry bush, spindle tree, wahoo) | Euonymus spp |
Buttercup | Ranunculus spp. |
Butterfly weed | Asclepias spp. |
Caladium | Caladium spp. |
Calla (calla lily) | Calla palustris (Zantedeschia aethiopica) |
Carolina jasmine (yellow jessamine) | Gelsemium sempervirens |
Castor bean | Ricinus communis |
Cherry laurel | Prunus caroliniana |
Chinaberry (bead tree) | Melia azedarach |
Christmas rose | Helleborus niger |
Clematis | Clematis spp. |
Daffodil | Narcissus spp. |
Deadly nightshade (belladonna) | Atropoa belladona |
Death cammas (black snakeroot) | Zigadenus spp. |
Delphinium (larkspur) | Delphinium spp. |
Dogbane | Apocynum androsaemifolium |
Dumbcane | Dieffenbachia spp. |
Elephant ears | Colocasia antiquorum |
False hellebore | Veratrum viride |
Four o'clock | Mirabills jalapa |
Foxglove | Digitalis purpurea |
Giant elephant ear | Alocasia spp. |
Gloriosa lily | Glonosa superba |
Golden chain tree (laburnum) | Labunum anagryroides |
Goldenseal | Hydrastis canadensis |
Heavenly bamboo (nandina) | Nandinaa domestica |
Henbane (black henbane) | Hyoscyamus niger |
Horse chestnut (Ohio buckeye) | Aesculus spp. |
Horse nettle | Solanum spp. |
Hyacinth | Hyacinthus orientalis |
Hyacinth bean | Dolicbos lab lab |
Hydrangea | Hydrangea spp. |
Iris | Iris spp. |
Ivy (English ivy) | Hedera helix |
Jack-in-the-pulpit | Arisaemia triphyllum |
Jerusalem cherry | Solanum pseudocapsicum |
Jessamine (jasmine) | Cestrum spp. |
Jetbead (jetberry) | Rhodotypos tetrapetala |
Jimson weed | Datura spp (Brugmansia spp.) |
Jonquil | Narcissus spp. |
Kentucky coffee tree | Gymnocladus dioica |
Lantana | Lantana camara |
Leopard's bane | Arnica montana |
Lily of the valley | Convallaria majalis |
Lobelia (cardinal flower, Indian tobacco) | Lobelia spp. |
Marsh marigold | Caltha palustris |
May apple (mandrake) | Podophyllum peltatum |
Mescal bean (Texas mountain laurel, frijo lillo) | Sophora secundiflora |
Mistletoe | Phoradendron spp. |
Morning glory | Ipomoea violacea |
Mountain laurel | Kalmia latifolia |
Nightshade | Solanum spp. |
Oleander | Nerium oleander |
Periwinkle (myrtle, vinca) | Vinca spp. |
Philodendron | Philodendron spp. (Monstera spp.) |
Pittosporum | Pittosporum spp. |
Poison hemlock | Conium maculatum |
Potato | Solanum tuberosum |
Privet | Ligustrum spp. |
Rhododendron | Rhododendron spp. |
Rock poppy (celandyne) | Chelidonium majus |
Schefflera | Schefflera spp. |
Spring adonis | Adonis vernalis |
Spurge | Euphorbia spp. |
Star of Bethlehem | Ornithogalum umbellatum |
Sweet pea | Lathyrus spp. |
Tobacco | Nicotiana tabacum |
Trumpet flower (chalice vine) | Solandra spp. |
Water hemlock | Cicuta maculata |
Wild cherry (black cherry) | Prunus serotina |
Wisteria | Wisteria spp. |
Yellow allamanda | Allamanda cathartica |
Yellow oleander (tiger apple, be still tree, lucky nut) | Thevetia peruviana |
Yesterday-today-and-tomorrow | Brunfelsia spp. |
I was making hot tea of my lavender plant flowers and leaves then I learned that my ferritin level was dangerously high. Does this plant have a lot of iron?