Australian consultants call on Secretary TDAP agrinfobank.comThe Consultants of Australian Departments of Agriculture and Horticulture Peter Hofman, & Peter Johnson had a meeting with Rabiya Javeri Agha, Secretary Trade Development Authority Pakistan (TDAP) on December 2nd, 2013 along with Mahmood Nawaz Shah, Director, Sindh Mango Growers Association, the consultants apprised the Secretary, TDAP about their working on behalf of Australia and helping the Government of Sindh in 3 sectors namely Mango, Citrus and Dairy under the ASLP, Agri Sector Linkage Programme.
The consultants informed that the test shipment of Mango of Sindh was made under the programme using controlled atmosphere technology, to UK to the Tesco Retail Company in 6 containers, which took almost 30 days from the picking / shipping to the retail level, leaving 7 clear days to the retailer to market the product - whereas in normal, regular by air shipment, the retailer has only 24 to 48 hours before the product perishes.
It was also informed that UK buyers plan to visit the Mango growers in the month of January, 2014 in order to finalise arrangements for Mango shipments to UK in the forthcoming season.-PR
News Source: Business Recorder   News Collected : Team

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