Millat has been the pioneer in indigenization and has played a major role in setting up of the automotive vending industry base in the country. Millat Tractor has achieved the highest level of localisation than any other OEM in Pakistan. This has been possible by embracing cost effective techniques for low volume production resulting in major foreign exchange savings. Millat Tractors vendors' conference today I agrinfobank.comIn order to develop a strategy to cope with the current world-wide recession and future scenarios of liberalised trade and stiff international competition, Millat is holding the 12th vendors' conference of its vending associate base of more than 200 companies on 5th December, 2013 at Faletti's Hotel, Lahore. The theme of the conference is 'Global Competitiveness'.-PR
News Source: Business Recorder      News Collected: Team
Blogger Labels: Millat,Tractors,conference,role,industry,Tractor,Pakistan,cost,production,savings,strategy,world,recession,competition,December,Faletti,Hotel,theme,Global,News,Source,Recorder,Team,vendors,techniques,scenarios

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