Punjab Food Minister and Chairman Price Control Committee Bilal Yaseen said supply system of vegetables and fruits have been made further effective in all markets of districts across Punjab. He said, as a result of government steps, prices of everyday items have been reduced, due to which edible items have now become accessible to the common man. Vegetables, fruits: supply system made further effective: ministerThe Provincial Food Minister expressed these views while monitoring auction of vegetables and fruits at Badami Bagh Market early morning. He said Punjab government has made foolproof planning to provide relief to the common man, due to which price hike has been controlled to a great extent. He said profiteers and illegal overcharging elements have now been brought under the grip of strict law, due to which citizens have been made available vegetables, fruits and everyday items at affordable rates. Food Minister directed staff deputed at Badami Bagh Fruit Market to ensure their presence at the hour of auctioneering at the market, along with prominently displaying rate list of vegetables and fruits.

Courtesy Business Recorder  I News Collated by agrinfobank.com

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