• In order to get maximum meat and milk Beetal, Daira Deen Panah, Nachi, and Teddy Breeds.
  • For comfortable housing sheds for goats should be on elevated grounds, south-north directions. The ceiling of shed should be 8-10 foot.
  • Teddy goats need 10 square feet of shaded place, While bigger breeds need 12 square feet. Goats need 20 -24 square feet of open space per head if available.
  • Each goat needed to be marked properly for record keeping.
  • For 100 goats one needs twelve, 5 feet long movable trough (khurli) for feed. Similarly for water purpose 15 feet long, 1 feet wide and 9 inch trough would be sufficient.
  • For new farm, purchase 3,4 month pregnant doe's
  • New animals should be Quarantine for 10 days.
  • Breeding should be done during 15 March to 15 April in summer and 15 September to 15 October in order to get kids in good weather.
  • For thirty (30) female goats 1 male goat (buck) is sufficient. However 1,2 bucks should be keep for safety purpose.
  • In Pakistan bucks with good genetics characters can be purchased from Livestock Development Department's outlets.
  • Give 400 gram balanced diet (Mutwazin Wanda) and 8 kg of green fodder to pregnant does. In the last weeks of pregnancy isolate does from the herd.
  • Goats should have access to clean, fresh water all the time. Natural salt should be available in feeding trough.
  • Regularly move the places of feeding troughs.
  • Newly born kids should be given milk of the mother within 1 hour. And must be prevent from outside weather.
  • Prevent goats from diseases by vaccination as per veterinary doctors advice.
  • Deworm the herd regularly.
  • For more information please regularly your vet.

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