January 23, 2013

It was disclosed that the RRI Kalashah Kaku introduced three new paddy varieties during for the year 2013 including PS-2, PK-386 and KSK-434 and these are with the Punjab Seed Council in different phases of approval. Secretary Agriculture Azmat Ali Ranjha called upon the agricultural scientists to develop their research on latest scientific lines to ensure food security for increasing domestic population.
The meeting was also informed that total global production of rice was 483 million tons while in Pakistan it was around 6.16 million tons out of which 3.75 million tons was exported. It was also informed that during the year 2012-13 rice was sown over an area of 4.198 million acres of land and a production of 3.46 million ton was achieved. RRI management also threw light on the increase in area under cultivation, enhancement in production and per acre yield during the last sixty years due to the efforts of the institute.
It was also informed that the institute was working on preparation of pre-basic seed while it has also developed latest technology of direct sowing of rice seed which not only increase per acre yield by six to eight maund per acre but also save water by 30 to 35 percent. Secretary Agriculture speaking on this occasion said that the provincial government was providing funds, infrastructure and manpower to bring the agricultural research at par with international standards.
Courtesy Business Recoder
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