Department of Agriculture and Agribusiness Management University of Karachi
In the upcoming era, weed control methods currently being intensively researched will allow prolonged weed control options away from herbicides and mechanical methods in agricultural, horticultural and nonagricultural weed management. Biological control by insects and plant disease producing micro organisms, foretelling modeling of weed/crop relations, and the use of herbicide antidotes, more viable crops, allelopathy, and genetic engineering/modify will become more widespread as their consistency is enhanced.
Such knowledge will authorize gene manipulation and modification in our agricultural activities, such as the finding of genes that add to weediness, competitiveness, allelopathy, dormancy, or a plant’s being a perennial, with functions (Weller et al., 2001; Gressel, 2000). Genes of interest in weed control methods once revealed may then be engineered into crops or used to manipulate weeds to achieve a wanted effect in crop productivity and reduced weed influences. One area in especially where genetic engineering may play a role is allelopathy. Allelopathy (Rizvi and Rizvi, 1992) results from any direct or indirect inhibitory or stimulatory effect by one plant (including microorganisms) on another through the production and release into the surroundings of a chemical compound. Although no marketable breakthroughs have yet occurred in engineering plants to produce higher concentration/amount of allelochemicals, rather a few such genes have been recognized in Arabidopsis. Genetic engineering of crop plants or cover crops with genes for allelochemicals could allow key strides in rising plants helpful in weed management. The future for weed control is thrilling, as there are many opportunities for challenging fundamental and applied approaches for weed management in our environment (Hall et al., 2000).
Gressel, J. 2000. Molecular biology of weed control. Transgenic Res. 9:355–382. Hall, J. C., L. L. van Eerd, S. D. Miller, M. D. K. Owen, T. S. Prather, D. L. Shaner, M. Singh, K. C. Vaughn, and S. C. Weller. 2000. Future research directions for weed science. Weed Technol. 14:647–658.
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Rizvi, S. J. H., and V. Rizvi. 1992. Allelopathy: Basic and Applied Aspects. Chapman and Hall, London.
Watson, A. K., ed. 1993. Biological Control of Weeds Handbook. WSSA Monograph Ser. #7.WSSA, Lawrence, KS.
Weller, S. C., R. A. Bressan, P. B. Goldsbrough, T. B. Fredenburg, and P. M. Hasegawa. 2001.The impact of genomics on weed management in the 21st century. Weed Sci. 49:282–289.
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