Common Name : Dusky cotton bug Gaa4YxdnRpjgB4KjA13v
Scientific Name : Oxycarenus hyalipennis
Family : Lygaeidae
Order ; Hemiptera
Insect Description:
Dusky cotton bug, Oxycarenus hyalinipennisEggs  are  cigar  shaped  and  whitish  immediate  to oviposition.  They  turn  pale  then  to  pink  before  hatching. Early instar  nymph  is  about  2.5  mm long  with  its  rostrum  extending  the  abdomen.  They  are  orange  in colour when about to  moult. After the  first  moult the nymphs  become  reddish  brown  then  become  darker after  each  moult. Adults  are  4-5  mm  elongated  with  pointed heads,  dusky  brown  with  dirty  white  transparent  wings and  black  spots  on  fore  wings  and  having  deep  red  legs.
Nature of Damage:
Nymphs  and  adults  suck the sap gregariously from immature seeds which do not  ripe,  remain  lightweight.  Adults  found  in the  lint  get  crushed  during  ginning   emitting   bad odour  and  stain  the  lint.
Being  associated  with t he  open  bolls,   t hey cause   nuisance   to workers  during  cotton picking.   Discol or ation  oft he  lint   wit h  large  number of   nymphs  and  adults  of brown  to  black  colour   are common.
  • Spray phosphamidon 100 EC@250 ml/ha

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