By: Baqir Shah
First I must mention that before I proceed on the subject, I have noticed the Goverment Officials have no
PC or Laptop, even moblie phone number is not given so that they may be of service for the people in general
to be abreast with Modern technology. However Punjab Govt has distriubted 1,00,000 Laptops to students
It is a step which other provinces should follow to enhace education in the country. Mobile technology to boosts farmers income in Pakistan
The same step be taken by the Agricultural Departments to educate & boost farmers income.
Field Officers can carry their Laptops to to the farmer on their location, to brief them on the spot.
Agriculture is crucial to Pakistan's  economy, as it provides 23% of GDP and employs 66% of the workforce. ( I hope the figures are correct) However, most of poorest people are subsistence farmers who have little or no access no technology and markets for their produce. Farmers lack knowledge on which markets to target and what price to charge.
A solution to this problem.
Farmers were accepting lower prices in order to sell perishable goods
A free SMS/Voice based product calls rural farmers with buyers and provide them with real-time price information via mobile phone. It is described as ‘a basic supply and demand calculator’. Farmers register for updates by calling a toll free number and will then receive three text messages daily from the service. These messages are tailored to the farmer’s crop and location, thus helping them chose the right market to target in order to get the best price.
This service can earn an average of 20% more income thanks to the technology.
Mobile technology has been used increasingly to enhance agricultural productivity. Access to up-to-date market pricing information is essential if farmers are going to increase their profitability, and in turn, increase production rates.
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